Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Theaters - 15 -

Alex ... so pretty!!!
        So guys, new blog! Number 15 and it's the last blogs of the school year! Isn't that kind of sad? ... ): But let's get to the point ... I just went to the movies on Saturday with my boo ... --------------------->
That's my boo! Yeah, I took that picture (: Perfect timing. But anyways! Me and Alex, Alex and I, went to the movies on Saturday and we watched Iron Man 3! Let me tell you, it was pretty awesome. I personally liked the movie. It had comical parts that I think made the movie. I don't want to spoil it, so I can't share too much! However, I would say that it could have had a but more action. I felt like it was more dialog than the other first two movies, but I still loved it all the same. But fun fact ... I think Robert Downy Jr.'s real son was in the movie with him! If you ever watch the movie, the little boy with the blond hair is the kid I'm talking about. You'll be able to know how I'm talking about because there is a lengthy scene were the kid stars in :P BTW, Gwyneth Paltrow was awesome! I love that girl, she is one of my girl crushes, not going to lie to you! Let me tell you, she was pretty bad ass at the end of the movie, too (; The point of this paragraph is that you should you watch the latest Iron Man!! It's worth it!!
        On a more broad topic, other movies that I have been watching are The Pianist, and Schindler's List. Both are about World War II, and because of that, I feel like all I have been watching is based on WWII. So strange. And get this, the next movie I want to see is The Boy With The Striped Pajamas. AGAIN WWII! So sad, but I find the topic very fascinating, however, very depressing and morally inhumane. Both movies should be watched also, but I have a feeling a lot of you guys have watched The Pianist already! I'm watching The Pianist with my boo ... the guy in the picture up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
        So guys, go out and go to the movies! I know it's kind of costly, but if you watch the good movies, then its definitely worth the expense!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Dreaded Dryness - 14 -

        So spring is finally here and you know what that means?! It means allergies, itchy eyes, runny noses, and dryness! Well, maybe it's just me but recently my hands and lips have been awfully dry for some reasons. I absolutely hate it! I constantly have to reapply chap stick when it runs out and I have to constantly reapply hand lotion whenever I wash my hands! How annoying ): Is this just happening to me or is some other people also? Everyone knows the feeling of it! Your lips start to sting and your hands get really rough and cracked. But the question is, how can we escape the dryness?! The question is simply to moisturize. I know it seems really tedious and time consuming, but would you rather have your lips and hands silky soft or dry and crusty? It's your choice!
         Personally, I would go for the soft and silky because it feels amazing. But I have to admit that I skip the lotion sometimes ... or many times. That's probably why my lips and hands are so dry! But you know, people get lazy. Well no more! Everyone, we all have to moisturize, some more than others. It's something we have to do so our skin looks soft and healthy. All it needs is a little tender loving care.
        What's amazing about moisturizing is that almost everyday house hold items can help you achieve that soft skin that you want. HONEY, AVOCADO, and OLIVE OIL can rejuvenate your dry skin by just mashing a piece of avocado in a small bowl, add a few drops of honey, along with a spoon full of olive oil, and VOILA! You have a nice set of baby-soft hands. Other things like lemon juice, oats, vinegar, bananas, kiwi, strawberries, cucumbers, tomato juice, yogurt. whole milk, cream, green tea, and sugar! Look at all those things you can buy at a GROCERY store to help your skin get to the softest it can be! However, there are lotions you can get at places like Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart that can help get your skin to the place that it really needs to be. Also, those kind of moisturizers smell really good, too (: Secretly, I love lotions that smell like Shea Butter! YES SIR-EE! 
        So guys, please don't be like me and MOISTURIZE YOUR HANDS AND LIPS! No wants to be dry, crusty, and ashy when the weather is beautiful and you're showing more skin (; 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Eating Healthy - 13 -

       We all know that it's pretty hard to stick to a diet or just eating healthy verses eating a Snickers bar. Well, some people would just jump for the Snickers bar. I would probably be one of those people. But maybe not anymore because I have been educated and informed on all the things that I have been eating. Lets face it, all the french fried and pizzas we have eaten as kids and teenagers, they all catch up to us sooner or later. It sucks how we start getting bigger and get more fat in some places, but it what comes with life ... WE ALL GET FAT. SO SAD. But we could just eat healthy ... we can eat good things that will benefit us and our bodies will thank us in the long run.
        So I have tried to stop eating all the junk food like pizza, candy, and soda. All of that stuff is really bad for you. I am not going to through all the boring facts about how it's bad for you, but you guys should know that it is bad for you. Point blank. All those bad things will just go straight to your thighs or your stomach, or you arms, or your chin. And when all that fat comes in, it takes AGES to get rid of. Plus, all that work you have to put in trying to work out when you could have avoided that by just eating non-fat and healthy foods. It's amazing how outside things can effect the human body in a negative way.
        It's very hard to choose a stick of celery over a slice of pizza. Personally, I would choose the pizza because I love pizza. But after eating that fattening, greasy slice of pizza, I will feel guilty for just eating it! How sad ... But it's true! Then I'll feel fat after eating it ......... So why not just choose the celery? Try to have some self-control and choose the better choice. You will not feel so guilty about it and you really won't gain any calories or weight because you take more energy to choose a stick of celery than to digest it. What's more, try to stick to this good habit by JUST DOING IT. Follow Nike's slogan: Just do it. That's their slogan, right? Back to the point ... Don't feel anything about it and eat the healthy things you should be eating. If you stop to think about it, you'll just convince yourself otherwise and go right back to that slice of pizza. Then after that slice of pizza is done, you'll go straight for the whole box! Sticking to a healthy diet it all about self-control and emotional detachment.
        Girls, we all want that amazing beach body; Victoria's Secret model body, or close to that. So eat well! Eat beneficial! Eat smart! It's really worth it in the end and you wont have to slug along 10-100 pounds of extra weight (fat) when you walk around. Get into the habit and soon it becomes easy as breathing. Also guys, don't think that this doesn't apply to you because it really does as well. It's a fact that guys burn fat a lot faster than girls, that's why it's so easy to males to lose weight or gain muscle. So unfair, I know, but guys still do gain weight after awhile if they do not take care of themselves. If your guy doesn't work out, soon you will find him with a beer belly and high blood pressure.

P.S. Maybe you can find some healthy things to eat and get some awesome exercise routines for your daily life!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Almost Over - 12 -

        So Mr. Murphy's questionnaire about graduation and how seniors feel about leaving kind of inspired this blog because I thought it was something worth blogging about and lets be honest, I couldn't think of anything else to talk about :P It was really interesting to hear all the seniors talk about their feelings about graduation and what they expect from college. Some didn't expect anything at all, which was cool! Maybe it'll be just like high school all over again, just with a bigger campus and more people you really don't know and harder classes. But hey, if you asked me, it would just be a bigger picture of high school. What do you guys think? Do you think it'll be like high school or just growing up and getting out there on your own without mommy and daddy? It sounds pretty scary if you ask me, and I'm only a junior! Have any advice for an up-coming senior? I'd love to know what could possibly prepare me for my last year of high school. 
        Let's face it, it will be a journey for you guys. If I was in your position right now, I would be excited because I finally get to be on my own without parents; no rules to follow and no one to report to expect your school. Sounds like heaven on earth to me. Maybe not to you guys. What does it sound like for you?
                                     Good luck to all the seniors in class and enjoy yourself in college! (;

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Water - 11 -

        What is water??? Water is a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. What a definition, right? Well, as we all know, water is the most essential thing that keeps humans - or any other living creature - alive. Water keeps all your body parts hydrated from your blood cells to your skin. I can't stress enough how much water is very important to you.
        I know it's kind of weird to be typing a blog about water ... I mean, out of all things ... why water? Because I want to share with you guys how I drink so much water! On a daily average, you are supposed to be drinking 100 oz. of water. Can you believe that!? That's five 20 oz water bottles a day! But that's not so bad. I mean, I can drink four 16.9 oz water bottles a day, but I just choose not to drink the fifth. If I did, I'd be up all night rushing to the bathroom. But recently, I bought myself a reusable water bottle that can be filled with about 1000 ml of water. That volume is equivalent to 32 oz or 1 liter of water. So basically, I have to drink 3 of these reusable water bottles a day. I bet you re asking yourself "Kaitlyn! why are you drinking so much water?!" Well, let me tell you! I drink so much water because - like I said - it's very good for you. It helps me cleanse my body from harmful implements, clears skin of imperfections like pimples, and helps the circulation of hair follicles. It is also found that drinking water can help you lose weight. Not only these, but water helps with so many other things. It's almost like a medicine that is always at your disposal.
        For me, water is just a great substitute for soda. I barely even drink soda anymore and I really don't plan on drinking anymore in the near future. WATER ALL THE WAY.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Linda Hallberg (Makeup Guru) - 10 -

        I know in the past that I blogged about makeup and how it changes your appearance and features. But its hard to get the hang of it and make your makeup perfect. When I see makeup artists online and how perfect they look, I think about how long it took them to master that art. Lets all face it: makeup is an art that must be mastered. Girls, we really don't want to go walking around looking like clowns. So start with simple first, practice, and then grow into your own eccentric type of makeup look. I'll admit that my makeup is no where near perfect either; my eyeliner smudges and smears all the time, my foundation creases, my face becomes oily and shiny. All these things that I hate about my makeup, I have to learn to control and master.
        To get to the point, I've recently discovered a makeup artist by the name of Linda Hallberg. I believe she is situated in Sweden and is of Swedish origin. Even though I have no idea what she's saying in her videos and blog, she does a hell of a good job with her makeup. She knows her stuff when it comes to perfecting her face. In every picture, her makeup is flawless. But not only does she know how to use her makeup, she knows what products to use! That's the most important part: to know which products are the right products. I've noticed that she really likes to use NYX cosmetics. Personally, I love NYX also cause it's good quality makeup affordable. But other than that, she uses MAC and foreign products that normally are not sold in the United States. But that's besides that point! The point I'm trying to make is that Linda is an amazing makeup artist. You can tell that it took time to get to this level. Not only does she do makeup for herself, but her art has been seen on the faces of models along the Swedish runway. Like I said, she's a master at her skill! If you want to find more looks from Linda, just visit her blog or just go to Pinterest and type in her name in the search bar! I have to admit that I am a frequent visitor to her blog page. But the good thing is that she posts about or 3 new looks and product reviews a day! I love that about her blog; you really don't have to wait too long for the next update. Go search her up, you won't be disappointed! 

Summer ... - 9 -
        So, It's only a few months into winter and I can't wait for summer to come back. Does anyone share the same feeling as me? I mean, with all the cold weather, the ugly snow, and chilly nights ... I bet we all wish for summer to come back around again.
        I feel like Summer is something we all are looking forward to. The seniors in class will be moving on to college and starting their lives. The juniors are looking forward to being the top dogs in school, but maybe also ready to enjoy their last year in high school before the real world comes in. But after all those feelings, everyone still looks to summer for those three months of sleeping in, spending time with friends, late night barbecues, the warm weather, and the beach. It's a time away from the prison that we call school!
        What really made me want summer so badly are my midterms that are all coming up. We have to cram all this studying into one night for the test we have to take the next day. Plus these tests are 25% of our grade! That obviously puts a lot more pressure on students. So then behind all the stressing and studying, I thought about Summer. How I will not have to worry about tests, homework, studying, teachers, deadlines ... all those things that plague me during a regular school year are all gone during those precious two and a half - almost three months - of freedom. Don't tell me that you guys don't feel the same way. We all feel it, even the teachers.
       it's been only a few weeks into winter and I wish for summer. It will be months until Friday, June 21st.