Thursday, January 24, 2013

Water - 11 -

        What is water??? Water is a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. What a definition, right? Well, as we all know, water is the most essential thing that keeps humans - or any other living creature - alive. Water keeps all your body parts hydrated from your blood cells to your skin. I can't stress enough how much water is very important to you.
        I know it's kind of weird to be typing a blog about water ... I mean, out of all things ... why water? Because I want to share with you guys how I drink so much water! On a daily average, you are supposed to be drinking 100 oz. of water. Can you believe that!? That's five 20 oz water bottles a day! But that's not so bad. I mean, I can drink four 16.9 oz water bottles a day, but I just choose not to drink the fifth. If I did, I'd be up all night rushing to the bathroom. But recently, I bought myself a reusable water bottle that can be filled with about 1000 ml of water. That volume is equivalent to 32 oz or 1 liter of water. So basically, I have to drink 3 of these reusable water bottles a day. I bet you re asking yourself "Kaitlyn! why are you drinking so much water?!" Well, let me tell you! I drink so much water because - like I said - it's very good for you. It helps me cleanse my body from harmful implements, clears skin of imperfections like pimples, and helps the circulation of hair follicles. It is also found that drinking water can help you lose weight. Not only these, but water helps with so many other things. It's almost like a medicine that is always at your disposal.
        For me, water is just a great substitute for soda. I barely even drink soda anymore and I really don't plan on drinking anymore in the near future. WATER ALL THE WAY.


  1. I love water too. Its the most least harmful thing to consume on the planet.

  2. I wish I could drink just water, but soda seems to always taste better! I guess I should take care of myself and start drinking water instead.

  3. Water is really important in everyone's lives. It's just hard denying the best drinks ever like sprite over water, But I could try it.

  4. Honestly, I barely drink soda now because I drink lots of water.

  5. I completely agree with you but I guess i dont have the strong will to just drink plain water. I love soda and juice but one thing I am doing everytime I drink, is mixing the sweet liquids with water.yeah I know it sounds weired but I feel it does help.
