Friday, November 30, 2012

MakeUp! - 7 -

         For most girls when they wake up in the morning, they shower, eat breakfast, do their hair, and put on their makeup. That's what I do basically everyday before I go to school and before I go to work. Makeup is a big part of my life since I turned thirteen. That's when I started experimenting with makeup. I think every girl ends up wearing make up during anytime in their life and let's just say I can't live without it. I basically feel naked when I don't have any makeup on and it's been a bad habit to break. It covers my blemishes and makes my skin tone even and bright. But hey, I got hooked on it.
         Sorry guys, this blog will be mostly for the girls, but if you want to continue reading then feel free to. But look at it this way guys, if you know more about makeup and you have a girlfriend, the more she'll love you! Makeup really transforms a girls face from plain to beautiful! But less is more, and believe me when I say that. You don't want to look like a clown. The more natural you can look with makeup on, the better. But I know we still look different once that natural makeup is washed off at the end of the day. My face looks pretty plain when I wash off my makeup. I love seeing all the different kinds of women put on makeup because some look really good and I want to ask how they do it, but others ... oh gosh, it's like they tried to be Barbie and failed. Along with all the different looks of makeup, there are so many different products: for the eyes, face, cheeks, and lips. I mean, where do you start and where do you finish?! It's pretty overwhelming. Like when I went into Sephora on black Friday! I didn't know where to look cause there was so many different things to look at! I left with a bronzer and then an hour later, I returned it! Bronzers are used to contour your face, or in simple words, just shadowing your face so it looks thinner and sharper.
         But let me tell you where you can get quality makeup for cheap prices! And that place isn't Sephora. Sephora is so over-priced, its ridiculous. Elf cosmetics are so great! They are wicked cheap, too. If you create an account, they have a lot of short sales, too. They never go without having some sale to email me. Another amazing makeup place to shop at is NYX cosmetics! Their products are a few more dollars than what they sell at Elf, but trust me, I love this place! If I had the money, I would buy all my makeup from there. Other cheap and good quality makeup would be at your local drugstore! Walmart, Target, Walgreens. It's surprising, but I usually get my makeup from those places. Oh! and if you're shopping online, please don't forget to read the reviews because you want to know how well they work for other people. If a product doesn't have a good review, then I most likely won't buy it.
         My makeup routine is pretty simple: moose foundation, concealer, powder foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and then blush. The reason why I use powder foundation is because the powder sets the moose foundation and concealer; less smudging and a less oily face. But sadly, my eyelids get oily, too and I can barely put on eye shadow because it creases. But if you have the same problem, a eye shadow primer is your best answer. Remember that less is more! Natural is the way to go! Nude is the perfect look for everyone! Please feel free to ask any questions you may want to ask! 


  1. To be honest, most girls use make-up to look prettier, that's what they think, when it's supposed to just remove the visual problems with your face, such as pimples, etc. A little make-up is fine, but when a girl puts too much, it gets scary, and unnatural.

  2. Ok I wount lie i kind got a little off track on to the second paragraph. Not to be rude but it was just too much info on make up but I got something out of your whole blog because i have a younger sister and she is always asking me to buy her Make Up.I guess now I understand why. She is Hooked!!!

  3. I think Make Up became part of the fashion and style. I do not really use it but I would like too in the future.

  4. I will defiantly consider using these websites to get cheap makeup because I usually shop at sephora. However I now know where to look for good quality makeup at reasonable prices.
